Twinkle Stars
All Star Cheer FUNdamental for ages 5 to 8 Yrs. Your athlete can learn the fundamentals of cheer, dance, and tumbling in a exciting program.
Intro. to Tumbling
No Skills Required (Coed 5 Yrs. & UP)
All Star Cheer FUNdamental for ages 8 Yrs. and up. Your athlete can learn the fundamentals of cheer, dance, and tumbling in a new exciting program.
Level 2 Tumbling
Strong Cartwheel, Roundoff, Back Walkover, and Front Walkover Required (Based on Skill Set)
Level 1 Tumbling
Cartwheel, Handstand, Forward Roll, Backward Roll, and Backbend Required (Coed 7 Yrs. & Up)
Level 3 Tumbling
Strong Back Handspring and Roundoff Back Handspring Series (Based on Skill Set)
Level 4 Tumbling
Strong Roundoff Back Handspring Tuck/ Layout, Standing Three Back Handspring, Front Tuck Required (Based on Skill Set)
Level 5 Tumbling
Stunt Class
Allstar Cheerleading Stunt Class for Bases and Flyers
Very Strong Layout Required (Based on Skill Set)
Tiny Tumble
Preschool - TK aged Entry Level to Beginner Tumbling Class (Coed 3.5 - 6 years)